It’s the beginning of a new year and with that in the world of winery compliance it also means for many wineries the required filing of one federal (TTB) and one state (CA BOE) report related to their 2015 winemaking activities. Has your winery filed? They are both due by Friday, January 15th. Does your winery qualify to file each of these reports on an annual basis? See my previous blog post here about qualifying to file the TTB report, the 5120.17 on an annual basis. For the CA BOE Winegrower tax return if your winery qualifies to file the report annually it will be mailed to you on an annual basis and be filled in with the full calendar year as the reporting period.  See an example here of the CA BOE report. You also need to be aware that the CA BOE report is required to be sent in even if you list all zeros on the first page. There is a late fee and your CA ABC license can be suspended if this report is not sent in.

If you’re reading this and wondering about how to complete either of these reports for your winery I invite you to sign up for a brief “Compliance check in” call. 

There are a lot of what I refer to as moving parts in any winery’s compliance systems. And each of those moving parts are connected in one way or another to the others, but if you or someone at your winery isn’t aware of these connections it can lead to issues such as audits, fines, and in some cases permit cancellation. To further clarify some of these moving parts I discuss some of them in another recent blog post. A summary I called “year end compliance wrap up” tips. See that post here.

For all you annual filers out there, here’s hoping you’ve already checked these two report filings off your to do list.

If not and you’d like some guidance feel free to reach out:

Send an email



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