I was pleasantly surprised recently when Carol Collison, with Global Wine Partners reached out and invited me to be a guest on their podcast, Small Fortune. 

I said yes right away! 

My world of winery compliance is still a little understood and an area that is not often discussed in the world of wine unfortunately, so any opportunity to spread the good word about it I’m always up for. 

As it turns out Carol was more interested in focusing on what my experience was like as a new entrepreneur, jumping off from the employee world into being a small business owner literally overnight. Plenty of good stories to share there too! 

Stories that any new business owner can benefit and/or relate to when hearing, such as how I figured out finding clients, what rates to charge, and what my marketing would look like.

And after 15 years of growing a successful business I had the opportunity to share some of the wisdom I’ve gained over those years of figuring it all out. 


Here’s a link to the interview, which is about 30 minutes.

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