Steps For Setting Up a New Wine Brand

Did you know that there are currently over 7,000 wineries in the US? That number doesn’t even begin to tell us just how many brands of wine come out of those thousands of winery sites but safe to say it is easily well over 10 times that amount. So just what is...

Here’s the QC for using QR Codes on Your Wine Labels

Over the many years I've been doing winery compliance work I've learned to become comfortable with playing the role of party pooper. The compliance department gets to inform the owners, winemakers and other decision makers what is kosher and what is not....

Deciding on a Label Alcohol for Your Wine.

Wine labels are required to have a specific set of items. One of those is an alcohol content. This must appear on the front (or brand) label. When it comes time to design all of the details that go into a wine’s label there are two areas which wineries focus on...

Tips for Successful Label Approvals.

For those of you reading this that can tell me what the acronym COLA stands for, this post is for you. Even for anyone whose first thought was “what does soda have to do with wine?”, but work in the wine industry this post is still a good one to read...