This post is part 3 of a series on the most common TTB required report that all US wineries must file, the 5120.17 (or 702) Report of wine premise operations. The last two blog posts have both been building up to this one. The first told you about qualifying to file this report on an annual basis and the second detailed specific wine production numbers all wineries are required to be reporting on an annual basis.
This week’s post is about the actual filing of this TTB report, and specifically on filing it using their online system, I’ve been using this online system since 2009 for clients and continually recommend it. The primary advantages of using are:
(1) You know the TTB received your report! (No snail mail issues)
(2) The system won’t allow you to send in an incomplete or out of balance report. I will clarify that when I mention incomplete by that I mean for example, if you list gallons on line 2, “produced by fermentation” it then requires that numbers are also listed in part 4, Summary of materials received and used, specifically line 5.
Want to know more about how to file your winery’s TTB reports?
Here are the details for getting started with filing this TTB report on the site.
- Sign up for an account. The person who signs up for the account MUST have either signing authority or power of attorney for the winery’s TTB permit.
- Once your account is set up you’ll receive your logon and initial password and can begin submitting reports. The system is available for submitting the 5120.17 Report of wine premise operations as well as 5000.24 Excise tax report and payments.
- All your reports submitted online will be available moving forward, and any necessary amendment filings that come up for your winery down the road can also be submitted on your account.
This required TTB report is often the source of audit issues for US wineries, some of which are that they are filed late, incorrectly or not at all. By having and using the system on the filing schedule that best matches their wine making numbers winery staff can gain some peace of mind that they are covered.
Not sure that your winery is covered for required TTB reporting?