Wine Label Book

The Inside Story of a Wine Label

Probably the easiest way to explain winery compliance is wine labels. Almost all of the items and information that appear on US wine labels is regulated by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) Before I started my business, one of the most common activities in my compliance work at wineries was assisting in the design and submission of wine labels for TTB approval. So therefore over the course of 8 years wine label compliance became second nature to me.
After starting the business in 2009 I began to realize a lot of the information about wine labels that I read in blog posts or articles was either incomplete or flat out incorrect specific to the TTB’s minimum percentage requirements they referenced. That annoyed the crap out of me! So who better to write a book about all that information consumers see on wine labels than someone who had first hand wine label compliance experience at several wineries? That was the reason I was inspired to write my book, The Inside Story of a Wine Label which I self published in 2012. This book is an ideal resource for winery staff that are involved in label compliance, from owners and winemakers to compliance managers and even tasting room staff.