Hello to all with an interest in the wacky world of wine compliance! What is wine compliance you may ask? I know as a person who does this type of work I am asked that more often than not when the subject comes up. Wine compliance is everything from all of the required records and reporting that is done for the federal government, to the maze that is the direct shipping world of sending wine to/from the US states. I know it sounds terribly glamorous and it has its moments and really a lot more ins and outs to it than most would begin to guess. So this will be a spot where you can come to learn, discuss or ask questions about everything wine compliance related. I hope that it will be of use and interest to whoever comes across it. Some of our topics will include: TTB regulations, label approvals, required reporting, regulations updates, and useful tools for those of you who actually do this sort of work.
Recent Posts
Don’t want calories, etc on your labels? Tell the TTB!
Don't want to have to list the calories, serving size, carbohydrates & fat on your wine labels? (or allergens?) You've got an (easy) opportunity to tell the TTB! The TTB shared their latest updates on these two topics at the end of last week.They've been...
Wine Compliance Alliance to host webinar December 10th: The Do’s and Don’ts for filing the CA Grape Crush Report
All California wineries are required to file the CA Grape Crush Report to the CDFA (California Dept of Food & Ag) each year. This report asks wineries to report details about the wine grapes they processed and/or purchased either at their site or for them at...