- The building size (square footage): the numbers listed on original permit and the most currently approved permit
- The production gallons per year, also listing what was originally approved and what is currently approved
- The number of visitors allowed per day, week and year
- The number of marketing events allowed per year
- Whether or not your winery’s use permit is pre winery definition ordinance (WDO) This determines whether or not a winery is required to adhere to the 75% grape sourcing rule.
- Most recent permit application file #
The folks at the Napa County planning office have been busy. It is actually a pretty busy place no matter what, but especially lately around the topic of winery use permits.
They have long maintained a downloadable spreadsheet on their website which listed all the approved winery use permits and a very limited amount of details specific to each. Recently they have updated this same spreadsheet to list a lot more, including all those popular items we hear about regularly such as number of marketing events and number of tasting visitors.
Here is a summary of the permit items you can now look up on either your own Napa County winery site or another:
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Hello Will- thanks for reaching out. The County has made changes to their website since I shared this video. If you go to this web address you’ll be taken to their current info where you can either download a CSV file of all winery use permit details or look them up via an interactive map. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?appid=9d23a546119146b9baefcf88153ff3dc