- Federal Tax ID (EIN number)
- Legal business name (the name listed on your CA ABC license)
- Date your business started sales in CA
- container type and size your wines are sold in
- who you sell to in CA
- provide the contact info for who will file the reports
California wineries and wine business owners have been hearing plenty about the CRV labeling and registration requirements coming as a result of the CA bottle bill.
All businesses selling wine in California will first need to register with CalRecycle by the end of this year as required reporting will then begin in January 2024.
I had a first hand experience completing their online registration recently on behalf of a winery client. As someone who regularly fills out applications, both online and on paper with a range of government agencies, I’m glad to share that the online application with CalRecycle was simple and only took about 5 minutes.
Here’s a head’s up about some of the info you’ll want to have available for your business when you are ready to complete the registration.
Here’s a link to the CalRecycle registration page.
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