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Don’t want calories, etc on your labels? Tell the TTB!
Don't want to have to list the calories, serving size, carbohydrates & fat on your wine labels? (or allergens?) You've got an (easy) opportunity to tell the TTB! The TTB shared their latest updates on these two topics at the end of last week.They've been...
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Don’t want calories, etc on your labels? Tell the TTB!
Don't want to have to list the calories, serving size, carbohydrates & fat on your wine labels? (or allergens?)
You've got an (easy) opportunity to tell the TTB!
The TTB shared their latest updates on these two topics at the end of last ...
Wine Compliance Alliance to host webinar December 10th: The Do’s and Don’ts for filing the CA Grape Crush Report
All California wineries are required to file the CA Grape Crush Report to the CDFA (California Dept of Food & Ag) each year.
This report asks wineries to report details about the wine grapes they processed and/or purchased either at their ...
CA wineries & wine businesses are you an EZ or regular version of the CA Grape Crush report? Copy
California wineries as well as certain wine businesses are required to file a report each year to the California Department of Food & Agriculture, the CDFA. The report is the California Grape Crush report, which is due by January 10th each ...
I’m interviewed about starting and growing my business on the Small Fortune podcast!
I was pleasantly surprised recently when Carol Collison, with Global Wine Partners reached out and invited me to be a guest on their podcast, Small Fortune.
I said yes right away!
My world of winery compliance is still a little understood ...
Wine Compliance Alliance Marks 15 Years. A Backstory of that Journey.
July 1, 2009. That's the day I became a business owner. Just the day before that I'd been a full time employee. On July 1st of 2009 I jumped off a big cliff into the world of being a business owner. After 16 years of working at six different ...
If you aren’t in the winery compliance world, don’t write about it!
Nails on a chalkboard. Folks, there is already a lot of incomplete or flat-out wrong information shared about winery compliance. Let’s not add to it! Stay in your lane. If you’re not actually in the winery compliance world, please spare all of ...
Eight takeaways from the CalRecycle training webinar on CA CRV requirements.
I joined in with the group of around 500 other folks who showed up live to CalRecycle's informational webinar on what the CA CRV reporting will mean for wineries.
A fun way to kill a couple of afternoon hours on a Friday afternoon!
But ...
Next steps for CA wineries: Setting up their CalRecycle portal account
It's not necessarily a happy new year for California wineries in that their compliance task list has now gotten longer due to the CalRecycle reporting requirements which came into effect this month. Since this is a brand new requirement with a ...
Year end “compliance harvest” for CA wineries
After CA wineries have survived the swarm of activity that is the grape harvest each year, they are then faced with another flurry of activity in the form of reports, which are due across different dates in January each year. This is our own ...
CA wineries & wine businesses are you an EZ or regular version of the CA Grape Crush report?
California wineries as well as certain wine businesses are required to file a report each year to the California Department of Food & Agriculture, the CDFA. The report is the California Grape Crush report, which is due by January 10th each ...
Online Training! How to complete the CA Grape Crush report
This year's harvest is finishing up for most CA wineries. After dealing with receiving, crushing, fermenting, and pressing all their grapes not too long afterwards they then are required to file a report to the CDFA on those grapes. This ...
Guidance For Starting a Wine Business
A solid chunk of what keeps my office busy is filing applications for businesses that are making the leap into the wine world by starting their own wine business. At the beginning of these interactions, when they first reach out to my office ...
Online Registration with CalRecycle a Simple Process
California wineries and wine business owners have been hearing plenty about the CRV labeling and registration requirements coming as a result of the CA bottle bill.
All businesses selling wine in California will first need to register with ...
Helpful TTB manual & book for wine label requirements
A wine label. The cover on the finished book of a wine’s life. That’s how I’ve often referred to them. In my world they are also the easiest way to explain to someone what it is that I do. Believe it or not most people’s faces gloss over when you tell them “I’m a winery […]
Three TTB Websites For Managing Your Winery Compliance
The TTB, the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau which all US wineries must comply with for their permitting, records and reporting requirements has been very efficient at creating online platforms so all of you never have to ...