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Just in time! Harvest compliance training for wineries
What is the most common missing link for wineries with their compliance? Plain and simple, the missing link is effective training. This results in records being kept incorrectly (or not at all!), reports being completed incorrectly and winery staff having a...
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The Survey Results Are In!
Thank you to all of you who took the time to take our survey on your experiences navigating winery compliance! Your answers were helpful, insightful and in some cases pretty amusing. We are now getting to work creating the first version of the ...
Does wine compliance make you cry? We’re here to help with that but need your input!
Winery compliance. Just mention those two words together to the folks who work at a winery and you'll get some sort of reaction. They'll make a face, roll their eyes or perhaps utter something along the lines of "ughh".
Winery compliance is ...
Temp no more! The 5120.17 is just that once again
Update! The TTB has now removed the "temp" from the form name for the 5120.17 report and is now back to calling it what it was before. No more temp, it is just (once again) the 5120.17. Wineries will use the 5120.17 version of the form for ...
CDTFA extends the due dates for two CA winery reports
Well there's no way around it, 2021 has already started off with some serious mood swings. We're still feeling pretty beat about by recent events and seeking any good news to provide solace.
I'm glad I do have some good news to share for all ...
Good news wineries! The current TTB excise tax credits are now permanent
As we wrap up the final two days of 2020 I'm glad to do so with a good news update with all US wineries.
The craft beverage modernization act has officially been made permanent!
This is good news for all US wineries (& for breweries and ...
TTB tax rates go back up for wineries if Congress doesn’t vote to extend by Dec 31st
As we wrap up the final days of 2020 we're having a deja vu moment in the TTB winery compliance world. (all alcohol beverage actually)
It was just one year ago that we were in the same spot that we're in now, that is asking Congress to hold a ...
Info on submitting TTB reports for two types of wildfire related losses
2020. A year that many have been ready to be over for awhile. For wineries here in Napa County this year's harvest was a nightmare, of course due to the two rounds of wildfires that hit us across the majority of the grape harvest. (not to ...
How to apply online for a Weighmaster license (in CA)
The 2020 grape harvest is underway! Here in Napa County several wineries have been posting photos of bins of grapes, and in some of the photos there are people standing around the bins wearing face masks. Yes this will be a masked harvest.
But ...
TTB announces updates to due dates for two main winery reports
In my April first blog post I shared about the postponed due dates the TTB had established for the two main required reports filed by wineries. The 5120.17 (report of wine premise operations) and the 5000.24 (excise tax report).
The TTB ...
CA wineries- Time to renew your CA ABC type 02 license
A brief reminder for all California wineries in this post. More specifically that includes all businesses that hold California ABC type 02-Winegrower OR type Duplicate 02 licenses. All of those licenses expire annually on June 30th. The ...
CA wineries- you DO have time for the filing of two of your CDTFA reports
This post has been corrected RE the Winegrower Tax report.
This post applies to you if you have (or work for) a business that is a California winery. I'm sharing some updates with you related to two of your CDTFA reports. That's the CA Dept of ...
US Wineries- the TTB is allowing you a 90 day postponement on the due dates for your reports
We are living through unprecedented times. Our day to day lives have been impacted dramatically and for some the adjustments have been harder than for others. Government agencies in efforts to provide relief to us all have been offering ...
Cased wine stored offsite at a warehouse? Here’s what wineries need to know about their TTB excise taxes
Here we are cruising up to the end of February 2020 already. This means that many US wineries have already begun filing their TTB excise tax reports for 2020 report periods. In a previous post I shared about the Craft Beverage Modernization Act ...
Good news! The craft beverage modernization act has been extended
As we wrap up the final days of 2019 I'm glad to share a good news update with all US wineries. The craft beverage modernization act has officially been extended! This is good news for all US wineries (& for breweries and distilled spirits ...
Grower info required on your CA Grape Crush report this year
I know it is too early to start talking about reporting for the 2019 harvest. For most CA wineries you are still inhaling CO2 and walking around with stained hands and sticky clothes.
Still I wanted to share with all of you who each year ...